About Me

Hello, I am Hao Xi. My major is Electrical Engineering. I am interested in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. I graduated with Summa Cum Laude at University of Missouri Columbia for my bachelor degree. I was Research Assiant conducting research on Li-ion battery degradation and computer graphics. I like making friends from different background. My favorite sports are badminton, table tennis and marathon.

Research & Project















  • AUG 2017
    DEC 2019

    University of Missouri Columbia

    Electrical & Computer Engineering
    Minor in Mathematics and Computer Science

    Overall GPA: 3.91 /4.0

  • SEP 2015
    JUNE 2017

    Chongqing University

    Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering

    Overall GPA: 3.53 /4.0

Research & Assistanship Experience

  • Sep 2019
    Dec 2019

    Computer Graphics and Image understanding Laboratory, University of Missouri Columbia

    Research Assistant

    In this research center, I assist PhD student with image 3D reconstruction for cubic room pictures. Besides, I implement LoCoBot with ROS on Nvidia Nano to assist the SLAM project. I also used this platform on smart traffic robot project and people tracking smart luggage with YOLO and OpenCV deep neural network module

  • AUG 2018
    May 2019

    Power Electronics Research Center (PERC), University of Missouri Columbia

    Research Assistant

    To better control the Li-ion battery temperature, I design and build PID control thermostat with Peltier module by Arduino microcontroller. The temperature acquisition unit of the thermostat is made with K type thermocouple and Analog-to-digital unit with MAX31885. To improve the experiment efficiency, I build battery data acquisition and display system with ICharger 1010b+, LogView and Matlab. In the end, I Write a “Temperature Effects on the degradation of Li-ion Battery” report for sponsored company Ameren Corporation. Besides, “A Study of the Factors that Affect Lithium Ion Battery Degradation” conference paper is selected by International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE)

  • Feb 2019
    Nov 2019

    Image Reconstruction by Lens-less Infrared Camera

    Research member

    Inspired from DiffuserCam of Dr.Laura Waller's Lab, our team aims to implement the theory on infrared domain. We build the lens-less camera with silicon wafer and Uncooled VOx Microbolometer Detector. I am responsible for modulating the algorithm and modeling of Gradient Descent with python and Alternating Direction Method of Multipiers (ADMM) with Matlab. I also use Matlab and OpenCV to analyze experiment data with image processing. To better conduct all the experiment, I also 3D printing the lens-less camera setup with Fusion 360.

  • Sept 2018
    Dec 2018

    Student Success Center, University of Missouri Columbia

    Student tutor

    Assist students to solve problems related to Calculus III and Circuit Theory I.

Work Experience

  • Sept 2018
    Dec 2018

    R&D, Nanova Environmental, Columbia, USA

    Electrical Engineer Intern

    I worked for Nanova Enviromental for four months as a intern. During the intership, I build control circuit test system with Arduino which greatly reduce the time for product test process. I also design and build products power supply from 127~350VAC to DC outputs of 5VDC and 12VDC. Besides, I Cooperated with software team to optimize and improve the performance of device and Assisted Senior engineer for electrical circuit and hardware development and assemble the GC and TVOC devices.

  • July 2018
    AUG 2018

    Power Electronic Laboratory,
    China Corporate Research Center, ABB, Beijing


    In the summer of 2018, I was admitted by ABB China as an intern. I assisted the research team to build the Electrical Vehicle charging simulation system. I built a power supply cooling system and analyzed the heat transfer efficiency by using FLIR E53 which is essential on the device performance. I also participated in the manufaction of experiement devices. I made many different standards coupling inductance and calibrate the inductors by E4990A Impedance Analyzer. In addition, with the efforts with my teammates, we made a four meters liquid metal conduction wire which has nearly no resistance. The wire was used to reduce power loss in the simulation system


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